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Bass Portugal
GUIDE - one day from

With French-speaking supervisors, you will benefit from all their experience of predator fishing in Portugal, in fresh water, whether on lakes or rivers.

Whether you are a fan of vertical fishing, drop shot fishing... or even linear fishing, they will share with you moments of prospecting and conviviality which will leave you with memorable fishing memories.

On board the various aluminum hulls, specially designed for trips in rivers or large lakes, you will have first-class equipment for tracking down the numerous predators that make up these bodies of water.

The predators most represented in Portugal, and more particularly around the proposed sites, are zander, black bass, catfish, followed by barbel, pike and perch.

  • Nos camps de pêche au Portugal

See the Guides and fishing trips in Portugal page

Pike Portugal
GUIDE - multi-day adventure

In Portugal, a country whose fish wealth is now particularly sought after for its large fish, you can fish on various distinct sites.


In recent years the populations of Zander, Black Bass, Catfish and Pike have increased very significantly. The fishing pressure is unrelated to what can be observed in the neighboring country, Spain.


It is therefore to take advantage of this advantage over Spain that we offer you support in organizing your stay.

With Portugal Predators, a certified fishing tourism operator in Portugal, you will be able to benefit from perfect knowledge of numerous sites throughout the country. Whether on the immense Alqueva Lake, the Peneda Gerês natural park, but also the Minho or Douro River with its tributaries equipped with fish-rich lakes like that of Tamega... or Sabor We will make you catch fish on fabulous fishing spots while discovering new species, such as the Bagre or the common Iberian barbel and the Comizo.

Pêche Portugal - Brochets Portugal - Sandres Portugal - Black Bass Portugal - Barbeaux Portugal - Silures Portugal

© 2024 Tous droits réservés - Portugal Fishing Services

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Tel. 0033 775 765 546

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